Saturday, May 14, 2005

Professional Pictures

Well it was quite a challenge for Monika and her mum, so that's why we only have the two shots. Matisse was in one of those modes and when it came to the photo of them together, well it just wasn't going to happen.


At 2:31 AM, Blogger D said...

Bella, you have to sympathise with poor Gaz. You know how Mon and Julie are. I'm sure these posed photos were on the cards very early on in the piece...
All in all, it's just another two pics among countless thousands that I'm sure they've racked up by now... :P

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Gary Fabb said...

Turn it UP!

I like the professional shots and intend to have more taken as the two of them grow up, although not every year...

I believe the kids will love these when they grow up. Or maybe it's just the I feel left out that I never had any taken of me but Carmelo and gisella did... :(

:)- that's a smiley with the tongue sticking out.


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